NEW Year, Moon, You

KNOWING: Into the Unknown Self

A Six Week Course of Ritual + Awareness

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There are only 7 sacred spots available, in this circle. Is one of them for you?

We begin the first New Moon of 2021.

Together, we will sit in sacred (virtual) community, unraveling all that is possible when curiosity of self becomes a deeper knowing. In this intentionally curated course, Sasha Von Hanna, Creatrix of the KNOWING practice will thread apart and braid back together the practice that KNOWING is built upon. 

Sure, KNOWING is a journal to track your menstruation, but the practice that KNOWING is built upon is truly about the empowerment & self discovery that comes with the awareness of your personal habits, feelings & behaviors & how they relate to the cycle of the Moon, the changing of the seasons & the position of the planets in the sky. Patterns & rhythms will reveal themselves with intentional consistency.

Throughout this course, the tools are introduced in a way that empower you to personalize the practice to your unique life. While helping you take your embodied awareness off of the pages of your journal and into your everyday life. 

KNOWING illuminates a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of your most intricate patterns and how they relate to the larger landscape of nature’s inherent guidance. From the wealth of this information, the fruits of your manifestations begin to take place. 

This workshop is for you if: 

  • You want to cultivate a greater understanding of the interconnectedness between your body and nature’s natural rhythms.

  • You want to grow your personal knowledge of astrology, lunar phases and how these ancient wisdom practices can be tools of self empowerment and self awareness.

  • You are ready to cultivate ritualistic practices around the Moon, your menstruation cycle, and embodied awareness, in order to understand yourself in a more empowering way.

  • You want to develop a sense of personal accountability when it comes to your daily living activities, choices and the way they relate to the greater landscape of nature’s natural rhythms.

  • You want to dive more deeply into manifestation, lunar ritual, and the power within these practices.

  • You are looking to better understand yourself, to live in harmony with your truths and to set boundaries that support your ever changing needs.

  • You are curious and ready to learn within a group of like-minded people

  • You want to illuminate more wonder and humor in life 

  • There are a lot of courses around menstruation, fertility and the relationship to the womb, as there are a lot of trainings in manifestation, astrology and other occult practices, but the interweavings of the two that you will learn throughout this course place the wisdom in the hands of YOU -- you and your body are your own creators of Magick

***Please note that this course is open and welcome to you if you, for whatever reason, do not bleed or have a current menstruation cycle. The patterns from daily habit + feeling tracking will always correlate back to the moon, the stars and the cycles of nature and there is much wisdom in these correlations for all of us!

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Doing Better


NEW Moon/ Offering